How many would be surprised?

We generally cannot see the actual wire used in our IC’s because of some sort of covering. I recently acquired an XLO Ref 2 balanced IC and these have a clear outer cover exposing the wires inside. Maybe XLO is unique, but the wires used are tiny. With the overall size of the cable you develop a preconceived idea of how big the “cable” is inside the cover.

My JPS SC2 speaker wire can also be seen through its cover, it is quite beefy.

I wonder how many would be surprised to see the actual wire inside their cables?
I'm not sure Dekay. It was wire that was purchased from a jeweler in bulk. It is very thin and the interconnect has only two strands. Drop me a line and I'll get the info from the person that put them together for me.
The person wouldn't be Gary would it? If so, I know the design as he is a friend of mine.
No, but if I recall it was a DIY project from audioasylum. I remember when we compared these with HT's products it was very close and when we honed in on the bass the resolution was better with the silver and the HT was bloated. The true test came when we used an old CD which really sounded bad and was better detailed with the silver.
Very interesting as I have been experimenting with 26 and 30 gage silver & copper wire (though different designs) and have listened to the "tape" IC's as well. It's also a lot of fun on the cheap.
Brian: Although all of my speaker cables and IC's are of micro wire design, if I were to peel back some mammoth insulation and also find these tiny wires, YES, I would be surprised.