Sell King Cobra s and buy F I M Gold ?

After reading "all" past debates of which is best, I have accquired a FIM gold power cord through a mutual trade with a audiophile and found that FIM's gold power cable is a stunning upgrade and runs to the top of the heap in power cords. I thought the King Cobra was it.As a matter of fact, I own 5 of them.For what they once accomplished the FIM has surpassed my expectations.For those who agree (without the flames) speak up.should I sell the balance of my King Cobra's and purchase the FIM golds? Any help would be gladly appreciated.Thanks.
I find it interesting that over and over I hear from different people that the Shunyata cords sound "dark" or "warm" or "rolled off". There is a definite pattern to the reviews of these cords.
i appreciate the time the above posters have taken to share their opinions on this thread. but, it would help to give us a point of reference for your opinions by listing at least a few main components in your system. ie: speakers, amps, source. just my 2 cents. thanks.
Okay Avnut
Since I begin this thread I "will" begin and it could be possible that you may not believe me but here goes;

Preamp: Audio Research SP-6a
Amp: Audio Research D-150
Processor:Audio Research Dac 3mkII
Transport:Audio Research CDT-1
Speakers :Soundlab Ultimate II's with torid option
Speaker cable:Magnan Signature
Interconnect: Magnan Signature
2 Richard Gray power companies

That's the gist of it and it's glorious.Serves me very well!
Chuckie, pls excuse me asking the obvious: can't you try the FIM ? -- IMO, first on your dac3 allowing a good 2hrs for stabilisation (I seem to remember the dac3 takes time to fill up after being disconnected from power); then on the SP6a (nice machine, BTW).
Good luck, Greg
Oooooops, I've been caught sleeping. Off topic, mea culpa, I see the rotten eggs & tomatoes... keep them coming!! Pls disregard the above...
I have used ensemble with good results (balanced sound across the spectrum, "low-fat" in the bass, very good clarity and *speed*). I chose them over transparents, Nordosts, & 8 gauge, for active electrostatics speakers.

Again, Chuckie, sorry for the irrelevant post to your thread.