Phono preamp

Is the phono preamp on my MAC C30 better than the $100 to $300 outboard ones I can buy today? (MAC has been owned since new is 70's vintage - output is to Fostex CR300 CD
burner-am archiving about 1000 33's).
If you need more gain for a MC cartridge - Mac made a stepup transformer to go with its mm phono built ins. should have them in stock. If you have a mm then it is just as good as anything for mm within a 1k range or more.
If you need more gain for a MC cartridge - Mac made a stepup transformer to go with its mm phono built ins. should have them in stock. If you have a mm then it is just as good as anything for mm within a 1k range or more.
By the time you pay for the case, power supply, power cord, and posts on an outboard unit in the price range you identify, there just isn't much left in the budget for the relevant circuitry. I would stick with what you have, much as that irks the component swapper in me.