Dumb Question about wi fi

I'm thinking of geting a Squeezebox (or similar device) so I can listen to the hi rez files resident on my iMac through my stereo on another floor. Sounds simple, huh? The problem is the wi fi in our house is created by a router hooked to my wife's PC. The iMac can see the wireless and this is how I get internet on the iMac. But will I be able to connect the Squeezebox (or any other music streamer) to our PC-based wi fi and then access files on my iMac? Or will I need the iMac to generate a wi fi network of its own?
Thanks for any help!
Isn't it true that the SB Touch only does 24/96 and the SB 3 or SB Classic doesn't go over /48? OP mentioned high rez, so doesn't he need something else?

I enjoy my SB3 with redbook AIFF files, but think that is the end of the road for the upper limit with these bargain devices. Cheers,

Isn't it true that the SB Touch only does 24/96 and the SB 3 or SB Classic doesn't go over /48? OP mentioned high rez, so doesn't he need something else?

You are correct about the bit rates for the Touch and SB3, but 24/96 is considered hi-rez and is the most common higher resolution format. Squeezeboxserver can also use SOX to play bit rates higher than 24/96 on the Touch.

I assume the OP has taken his needs into account in considering a Squeezebox.
Thanks for all the details, Mlsstl.
Actually, I hadn't thought about the upper limit sample rate of the squeezebox until Sbank mentioned it. And I see you can get some files in 24/192 from hdtracks, so maybe I will consider another streamer.
When I first posted this, I was really only concerned about controlling the iMac over the PC-attached wi fi, and it sounds like I will be able to do that, regardless of the streaming device I wind up with. Not sure I'm too thrilled about leaving my iMac powered up all the time, but I guess that's a small price to pay. I can always walk upstairs to turn it on when I need it, but that kind of defeats the purpose of having hi fi available through wi fi. Might as well get a new universal player instead.

Thanks for all the comments so far. You've given me a lot to consider. If anyone's still reading, do you know if there are streamers that can accommodate 24-bit/192kHz?