Best Gunshots

The hallway shootout in the matrix? No. Backing out the door in last man standing? Uh Uh. How about the mini-gun in Armageddon? Nope. Dug deep in the CD collection today and came out with Mercury Living Presence 1812 Overture, etc. Everyone knows the cannon fire in the 1812 but I had completely forgotten the WAR fought between the speakers in Beethoven's "Wellington's Victory". My neighbor's ears are bleeding.
Actually, the best reproduced "gun shots" I've heard were in the movie "True Lies". This was the DTS version at a public theater. Very dynamic and lifelike, as were the two Harrier jets when they first appear on the screen, flying in formation. The gun fire in the snow chase scene at the beginning of the movie, with the snowmiolbiles, was very high above dialog level, somewhat higher than the gunfire in The Matrix IMO. The loudest gunfire in the Matrix, is the gatlin cannon that shoots the glass out of the skyscraper's window.
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