The best and worst Audiogon poster's

I have enjoyed these threads very much. I feel I have come to know some of Audiogon's members thru there postings. I have my favorite's like the knowledgable gentleman Albert Porter, In his ear's I trust Mikeam, Tubegroover, 3Dman and the controversial and sometime's entertaining Carl Eber. Who are your favorites and why.
I said the same thing...once! Audio is secondary to me. I am "conversing" with some nice people in this "audio world", which most people really do not understand. I think, that this "chase" for the "perfect sound" is actually, chase for the comunication! Comunication that the music is comunicating the "emotions", that ads little bit of pleasure, to most of us. Better the amp-speaker, communcator, more expensive supposed to be? or maybe the "escapeism". Escape from horrible jobs, mean spirited wife, clogged-up plumbing, rent-lady, flat tire, lawyers, cancer, hemohrroids (spell?)broken shoe-lace before going to work...etc etc. I listen my music, most of the time,in the car on the way to work, or in my work shop (painting studio)on the $10 Sony transistor! And even after the years of listening "classical", more stuff is there that i never heard before! I am mosttly into "rooshians" Germans and som,e italian composers! Ithink Brams, stole from Beethoven. And there is explanation for this "rumbling"...and that is the second bottle of Lindemans, Australian Cabarnet Souvignon, vintage 1998 (Highly recommended!)only $8. And soon the planet earth, wont be such a bad place to be on! Cheers!
carl_eber is by far the most incoherent poster I have seen in any audio forum on the web, followed very closely by Diva-David99. Their antics ceased to be funny long ago. They are dinosaurs.
Taking dinosaurs what about James McDonald he's got a Krell..that's a kind of dinosaur isn't it? Oh and Joe thanks for pointing that out about Carl& David99 since I have no mind of my own--big help thanks
As the year winds down my vote for Audiogon Jerk of the year with lifetime membership in the dink of the day club goes to Carl Eber.