The best and worst Audiogon poster's

I have enjoyed these threads very much. I feel I have come to know some of Audiogon's members thru there postings. I have my favorite's like the knowledgable gentleman Albert Porter, In his ear's I trust Mikeam, Tubegroover, 3Dman and the controversial and sometime's entertaining Carl Eber. Who are your favorites and why.
It is a fine thing to be an "oracle" to which an appeal is always made in all discussion threads. When a person is really full of information, and does not abuse it to crush conversation, his part is to that of the other people on the thread what the instrumental accompaniment is in a trio or a quartette of vocalists. I think there are at least three of these men of facts on Audiogon, who are always formidable--let them remain nameless so that everyone can imagine them for themselves. Then there are the real talkers. These are sometimes people with fresh ideas, and good words to communicate them in. But if a false note is uttered, down comes the finger on the keyboard and both the men of facts and the talkers should assert their dignity and not get tyrannical.
Though what Slawney wrote is likely the best path (choice words, sir), my opinions, as usual, get the better of me. Though making such a list on short notice means possibly leaving out some deserving soul, there's Albertporter for his demeanor, knowledge and calm articulation. Garfish because his path most closely mirrors mine and his willingness to share what made his system better. Carl Eber, a choice some might find interesting, for his knowledge and obvious passion, regardless of the fact that it sometimes has to be wrung out of him and other times the tide can't be stemmed. I've always been drawn to passionate people. Guess that's why I'm here. Oh, the worst posters? Those that try to stifle lively discussion with negativity and elitism. Got no need for them.
Anyone whose opinion of gear based not on listening but on his "research" is a moron with an ego problem and anyone who takes this advice is a bigger moron-are you listening carl?
I would like to thank, in no particular order, Carl, Craig, and Trelja, for helpful comments in past threads. Carl, I recently taped Galactic (good jazz/funk band from NO,LA, they're on Capricorn records, FYI) at the House Of Blues in Myrtle Beach, SC. Schoeps tubed mics! (not mine) They sounded great. Had a blast. Perhaps we should look into a trade, I bet I've got something you'd like. Joe
I'll listen to anyone who has the knowledge to back up what they say. I'm not impressed with someone who gets defensive over a piece of equipment that they have only read about in Stereophile. With that said, not all "great" equipment is going to sound "great" in everyone's system because of the components that other person may be using. I think it does everyone a service to know the CONTEXT behind the opinion. Most AG posters are very good at doing this: Albert Porter, Tubegroover, Carl, Garfish (and a whole bunch of others). On the bad side are the ones who leave posts like "This piece will blow that away..." or "That sucks!" - with no elaboration!