Amp suggestion for Talon Khorus

Which amp and pre for Talon Khorus?
I had the BAT VK-75SE with my Khoruses. This Super amp sounded GREAT and I didn't think it could get much better. However, due to the hot tubes and little fingers in my house, I tried out the Bel Canto Evo 200.2 in monoblock configuration. Phenomenal (esp considering the price)!!!

Heard more detail than ever before. The only complaint that I have is that my system has a more laidback presentation that I like. I recently replaced my Kimber Select copper speaker cables with silver and that brought things more forward.

The Evos should be at the top of your list.
I'm using a BAT VK-50SE and couldn't be happier. However, I've been playing with a Tact RCS2.0 and may take out the 50SE. Once I get the Tact set up with the 50SE in place, I will take it out to see if there is noticable degredation from using the Tact's digital volume control.