Home Theatre Processor reccomendation

Looking at a host of used versus new equipment and have the following decision to make. If new, looking at the Sunfire Grand Theatre 3 and the B&K Reference 50. Used components include the Cal Audio CL 2500, the Classe SSP 75 and the Krell Showcase. Assume any of these will be a tremendous upgrade to the current surround sound setup which utilizes the Adcom GSA 700 looped through a classe CP 60 pre-amp.

Any and all feedback/thoughts is much appreciated.
Ag insider logo xs@2xmattkimb96
You should seriously consider the Meridian processors.The new 861 V3 is superb but very expensive, but you can find used 561 or 565? for a resonable price.Terrific sounding units.
Personally, I don't think either of the units you are considering for 'new' are even in the same leage as the Classe.

You might also want to consider a used Theta Casanova. Great sound and wonderful bass management - probably one of the most flexible out there. Also makes a great 2 channel preamp for music.
Bpape--Don't disagree, I am really leaning towards finding a used Classe and in fact am discussing one as we speak. I had the B&K in for an in home demo and while the HT piece was fine the 2-channel pre-amp fell FAR FAR short of the Classe CP-60 pre amp. Appreciate you taking the time to comment. If I can't work something out with the Classe. I'll check out the Theta.

Thanks again.
I have a very fine 2 channel system....and recently added a EAD Theatermaster 8000pro for 5 channel. Very impressive component in terms of build and sound!!! I'd add this to your list.
The EAD was the other piece on my short list. I just didn't care for the ergonomics. The sound was great.