Preamp shootout: Joule, CJ, BAT

Just finishing up listening after weekend shootout. Thanks to dealers and my friend. The BAT 50 SE, the CJ 14 and the Joule Electra 100 MkIII (think up a shorter name!) The winner, Joule by a slender margin over the CJ. The Joule had it in bass and layering of instruments and air. The CJ was lush, not as lush as my earlier model, but now a little glare (the difference in signal tubes now used I think, versus the NOS in the Joule.) The CJ has definitely changed its sound and is not as "round" as before. The Joule is just tighter and places instruments in real space better, giving it a seamless sound. The BAT was probably not a factor after the first day. No one (5 total listeners) liked it much, got no votes. Kinda flat and noisy too. The quietness of the Joule might have influenced our verdict on the noiseness of the BAT. Maybe we should have changed the tubes, but no time. All preamps (LS) broken in. Amps included Art Audio monos, ARC 100s trioded to 50 watts, CJ 75 watt monos, CJ 75 watt stereo, Mesa Baron EL. Soliloquy, Merlin and Martin Logan speakers. Totems sig ones briefly. (This is work!) I'm buying the Joule for it's width, depth, quietness, separation of instruments, bass, and best balance between warmth and clarity. For those shopping out there, get the used Joules. They are a bargain at Audiogon prices. Best speakers were Merlin first, Martin Logan second, Totem third and Soliloquy tied with the Totems (pretty good little speakers! But highly modded by my friend, including new wiring, etc.) Wish I had more time...but that's the short version. BTW, all the preamps/LS are about the same price retail. and quick, best amps were Mesa triode zero feedback EL34 tied with Art Audio on efficient speakers. I'll post more later if I can if people want to discuss. The Martin Logans with REL are mine but I think after this exhausting shootout (best cables were Analysis plus and Synchestra Signature) I might go for the Merlins which really shocked me with their electrostatic like disappearing act and bass. (How do they get that bass!) Post again if it flames up.
I also own the Joule preamp, and I'll verify everything that Macinman wrote about it. I have never owned an active preamp that is so quiet; I can advance the gain to full, and at the speakers there is NO noise, hiss, or any sign that the system is on. (M-L CLS IIz speakers) The bass reproduction is the best that I have ever heard from a tube preamp; I'm using a Muse Model 18 subwoofer in my system, and the bottom octave (20-40Hz)is ALL there. Of course, this is in addition to its ability to reproduce very natural music, which is the main point. It is the preamp on which you can build a very satisfying system, and it will compel you to buy a LOT more recordings.
I'm using the same speakers and looking for a preamp. Great endorsement. This has been a valuable post since I've had a hard time finding anyone who can recommend a "best" for me since I live so far from dealers. Quiet is the key word (my CJ is quite noisy turned up--and you know as I do what the MLs will do for noisy sources! Reveal them ruthlessly.) What amps are you using and source? Thanks. I've just finished Paul Seydor in Absolute Sound and think I'm going to dump my Resolution cdp--a little hard and some grain. Seydor says to buy the Meridian too and mentions it is totally without grain, which is what bugs me with Martin Logans/Genesis subs.
I've been using the Joule (it is a "jewel") for some time. One question not even the designer answered is when should you replace the grid bias battery? ...How would you know it needs to be replaced? -Ed
I did the review on the Joule in TAS @ 7 or so years ago. I still have it. You are correct in your assessment. The Joule can sound "mellow" because of the complex harmonics if heard without a point of reference, and especially if coming from lesser pre's that emphasize transients at the expense of space, but in side-to-side comparison you can hear how magical this piece is, particularly in its sense of spatial correctness and ability to let you simply seep into the music. Congrats on your discovery. Oh, BTW the Joule is sensitive to PC's. Electraglide Fat Boy MK.I increases dynamics considerably without sacreficing anything else, which is quite a feat given this pre's performance. I've seen guys dump MkIII's at $1500 - Insanity.
Good piece macinman, I did a similar shoot out about three or four years ago and ended up buying the Joule. It truly is one of the finer preamps out there. However there is a piece that literally blew my mind and that was the Atma-Sphere MP-3, when compared to the Joule directly it stomped it in dynamics, soundstaging, bass control and was more extended on the top. It was quite a difference and yes I was one of the fools who sold my Joule for about 1500.00. I ended up buying the MP-1 MKII and couldn't be happier although I still wish I had the Joule for the bedroom system . One caveat to all this was that I was and am still running the Atma-Sphere amps so there may be a synergistic match going on here, and yes I raced the preamps in the single ended mode. Another great thing about the Joule is the owners Jud and MaryAnne (they're the best)