Best Preamp w/ Headphone Jack

Looking to identify a killer preamp with headphone capability. Phono stage is not a requirement. It would be nice if we could keep the expense below $2K. Thanks Agoners!!
I forgot to mention that I have a pair of Manley 300B Retros mated with Concident Super Eclipses -- don't think solid state preamps will jive with my system. THANKS.
Sonic Frontiers Line 2 preamp, avialable here and elsewhere for under $2K, has a great headphone preamp made by HeadRoom I believe.
Melos SHA-1 Gold, killer preamp, killer headphone amp, and available at good prices since Melos bit the dust. Easily servicable tho...
I will mention the Anthem pre2L although probably not in the same league as the others listed. With a headphone jack, and remote, solid build, and some good reviews it probably is the best bang for the buck.