Whats the coolest sounding movie?

Ok so whats the best movie that you use to Demo when you want to impress your friends.What movie and or scene? I like to use the begining part of Pearl Harbor when they start to attack pearl harbor.I have 2 Sunfire Signatures that knock the wind out of my buddies every time!
I agree The Haunting has some great sound effects. For a snippet of fun, check out the video sequence in the extra features section of The Lawnmower Man.
Desperado, with Antonio Banderas and Selma Hayek. Kick ass surround, severe dynamics, and out of this world explosions/ gunshots. There are a few explosions which actually force me to look behind me to see what fell off the wall.

Check it out.
There are two that I really like playing for the uninitiated. "Heat", has two great shootouts, in the drive-in and in the center of the city. And the scene at the airport, with the jets landing is just incredible. My other favorite is the pod race in Star Wars I.
I think Luc Besson movies are great sounding especially The Big Blue which has some of the best ambient sounds I've heard in a movie.