Biamp w/2 Bryston4BST s or 1 14BSTw/B W?

I currently have the B&W Nautilus 803's with hopes on getting N802's in the future. Anyway, I'm uprgrading to better amps (Bryston) and wondered if it would be better to buy 2 Bryston 4BST's (total of 250W x 4) and biamp them (possibly vertically) or would it be more beneficial to just run a single Bryston 14BST (500W x 2) or 2 7BST's (same thing)? It is theoretically the same amount of power just distributed differently. Any thought?
Bwyoung is on the right track: I owned a pair of 4B-ST's and loved them ... until I heard my system with the 7B-ST's. The trade-up was a no-brainer for me since I enjoy a well defined bottom end and my speakers are tough to drive. Overall, the sound stage and "live" experience was better with the 7B's so I would forgo the bi-amping in favor of the better amps. Hope that helps.
This seems to be a popular question, as I'm addressing the same issue and considering the same alternatives.

My conclusion is the 7B-ST, rather than the paired 4B-ST. B&W told me straight that my original choice: B&K 250wpc monoblocks, would be a respectable solution at modest listening levels. The B&K monoblocks are built to handle peak dynamic loads. However, that the next step would be to provide robust power to the LF: The speaker's impedance profile changes driver by driver, HF --> LF. My solution is then, the 7B-ST with an internal bi-wire: probably XLO.
Bwyoung, thanks for the info on what Bryston said. But I do have a question. If the overall consensus, including yours, is to go with one larger amp, such as the two 7B-ST's/single 14B-ST, compared to running dual 4B-ST's and using each channel for a LF and HF post, then why is it that you would buy an FPB300c for the LF and retain your FPB200c for the HF?? Doing a quick search for Krell shows that a single FPB600c is MUCH less than a 200c plus a 300c. Why wouldn't you just sell the 200c and buy a 600c?? Thanks.
For Mcoker: I'm using the N802s for mains, the HTM1 for Center and ASW-4000 for the sub.

The N802s were a better choice for me: budgetary, wife-factor and asthetically, than the N801s. The N803s compromised too much on the bass and the mid-range housed within the cabinet confines the sound, In my opinion.

Also, the N802s were my choice among the AA-10Ts and the Revel Studios: both required more amplification (more money) than the N802s: although I did like the Studio sound...

The B&K monoblocks will be relegated to Center Fronts and Rear, with the 7B-STs doing the monoblock duties on the 4 mains. Alternatively, if I go with a DVD-A approach, in lieu of a DVD-V, I'll go N802 all around. The DVD-A will assume 6, or more, full-range speakers; while the DVD-V somewhat assumes surround-type speakers.

Let me know if I can provide anymore feedback.