Biamp w/2 Bryston4BST s or 1 14BSTw/B W?

I currently have the B&W Nautilus 803's with hopes on getting N802's in the future. Anyway, I'm uprgrading to better amps (Bryston) and wondered if it would be better to buy 2 Bryston 4BST's (total of 250W x 4) and biamp them (possibly vertically) or would it be more beneficial to just run a single Bryston 14BST (500W x 2) or 2 7BST's (same thing)? It is theoretically the same amount of power just distributed differently. Any thought?
By all accounts, a pair of 7b-st's is a better option than a pair of bridged 4b-st's (if, for no other reason, the fact that the 7's are single purpose monoblocks and the 4's are designed as stereo amps that can pull double-duty as monoblocks means that there is redundant or unnecessary circuitry in the 4's). Personall, however, I got a 4b-st because it fit into my budget at the time and I knew I could bridge it and get another one later on if and when it made sense to do so. Hence, it seems like the old incremental / convenience v. (maybe unnecessary) purity of design question. I can't say whether the 7's really do sound any better than a pair of 4's, but the convenience of being able to purchase and upgrade incrementally won out for me. That said, I have found the single 4b-st to be more than adequate for my use and am no longer even considering getting another one. I do like Bryston, though, so I would say that it hardly seems like you can go wrong either way...
Mezmo, what speakers are you running? And just to clarify, I wouldn't actually be bridging the 4B-ST's but rather running one channel for the LF post on the Nautilus and the other channel for the HF post on the Nautilus. I would then do the same thing with the other amp/speaker. I'm just trying to determine if it's better to run 250 watts to each LF and HF post or to just run 500watts and run jumpers or bi-wiring.
Although if I did go the 4B-ST route, I may buy a single one at first. That's a good idea.
I have been considering the same thing. I recently purchased the N802s and have a 250W amp which drives them pretty well, but after some discussions with my dealer I think it would be better to go with the 500W power rather than biamping dual 250W. I think the bass would benefit more from something more than 250W. Besides that, I am using the XLR connections, and my preamp doesn't have dual XLR outputs, so I'd have to get a custom Y adapter made which is also a concern - I'm not sure if that would degrade the quality of my cable connection or not - and it does change the input/output impedance between the preamp and power amp.

As Mezmo mentioned, its better to go with the 7BST or 14BST since they are designed for that power. I think in general bridging an amp raises its distortion numbers a bit so the monoblock design would be better. If you have the money, then I think your choice should be getting either the 7BST or 14BST. I think I would lean more toward the separate 7BST monoblocks, but there probably isn't much or any difference between the two 7's or one 14 - six of one or half dozen of the other...
Mezmo's second response seems on the mark. My Bryston 4b more than adequately drives my Infinity Beta Woofer columns at very high volumes and without any hint of breakup (I use a 3B for the mid/high panels). Can't imaging needing more power. So, unless you have clear evidence that your Nautilus is unusually power/current hungry, I'd go the way suggested by others and BEGIN with a single 4B to see is you need more. In my (and P. Actzel's) view, bryston is hands-down the best electronic value currently available...not even a runner up waiting nearby. Build, circuitry, and sound quality every bit as good as Krell, Levinson, or you name it but at a price that's sane.