What's your favorite instrument to listen to....

We all must have a favorite instrument that we prefer to listen to on our systems, be it guitar, sax, piano, vocal(male or female), etc... I realised I am a piano sort of guy, be it Jazz or Classical I tend to seek out piano music. Not saying that I don't listen to other's I just have a piano bias. What's your preference? Is there a specific reason why? Is it your favorite instrument or does it sound best on your system?
Most instruments played well are truly a pleasure to listen to, but the one that comes to mind that moved me the most is a cello. Pianos, violins, guitars, and saxes are all great, but a cello takes the top prize for me. I don't know if it's that big bow being pulled across the strings or the depth of the sound it makes, but it can bring tears to my eyes.
I would have to say tenor sax is my favorite with acoustic guitar a close second. This changes with mood though, just like most things. The minute I make this list I'm listening to some live Allman Brothers and I'm thinking that D. Bett's & D. Allman's electric guitars are sounding pretty good!
I'm with Tim on this one. I'm piano biased too..fantastic on a revealing system, preferably with McCoy Tyner playing.

Then again there's Joe Henderson's sax or Miles' trumpet or Junior Wells' harmonica... hmmm ..this is harder than I thought.

Maybe the real answer is that any instrument in the right hands can be a beautiful thing.
Electric guitar w/ tube amp in a rock band, ala John Fogerty in CCR. That said, a good sax player that can make it growl and wail in a rock band is great too. In blues, the guitar again-- electric or acoustic, followed by a great harp blower.

I love female vocals too but have a hard time considering the voice an instrument per se. Good thread Tim. Cheers. Craig