Melos updates worth it?

I just purchased the melos ma 333 and was wondering if anyone has sent theirs to las vegas for upgrades.Was it worth the $500 in your opinion?
Unless they've risen from the dead, Melos has been out of
business for months.
hi narrod,

czech out the fone number & email address - they answer, respond, & want yer biz... ;~)

regards, doug

Sedond, I did contact them and the update for the preamp sounds ok. They remove the FET's from the circuit. Brant mentioned that he does not have parts for the photentiometer and did not mention a new one. He said that I would be better off updating the MAT-180 then the Maestro. He said I should just jumper out the balance and get a stepped volume control, but this eliminates my remote, that I love.