Dunlavy Cantatas What Power Amp?

Upgrading from Adcom 555II. I'm using a complete Dunlavy set up for HT but mostly listen to music. For the best music I'm considering a nice 2ch amp and a matching 3ch amp for center and surrounds vs a 5 ch for all. Thoughts on this? The Adcom makes the Cantatas a little harsh and the bass is not very authoritative. Considering McCormack, Bryston, Classe/Krell (maybe too expensive) others?
Dunlavy used all Aloia components at CES.Andrew say's it's the best sound they ever had.
They used Aloia with their bigger speakers. They had the Cantatas and the Alethas in a differet room and were using two sets of amplification: Rowland and some stuff builts a friend of John Dunlavy, Paris somebody, who was there helping out with the room. (This was the case when I visited but could have different at other times during the show.) I preferred the Cantatas with this guy's amps, which are not commercially available.
Buy a used ML331/332/333 and you will very, very pleased. Lots of bass control and not harsh. Outstanding combination