Home theater advice?

I am about to purchase a new home theater. I am looking for advice on equipment selection. I am considering: Aerial 10T based surround setup, classe 180 mono's, classe ssp-30, classe cav-75 (bridged to three channels for center and surrounds), new classe dvd/cd, pioneer elite rear projection tv, and rca hdtv direct tv reciever. one of my hang-ups is stands. I want this to look as good as possible for the amount of money i am going to invest. Cables are still up in the air. Thanks for any suggestions.

Other products considered are: Theta, Revel, Meridian

My time will be split 50/50 between music and movies.
Hi Marsh:

GREAT SYSTEM!!!!! I like the speakers. No, correction, I "LOVE" those speakers. If I am to put together a "nearly cost no object" system at any point in my life, it will be based around those "VERY" speakers. I am not sure about the compatibility issue concerning the RCA HDTV Direct TV Receiver being used with your Pioneer Elite RPTV, so I am not going to comment on that issue. As for a DVD Player, while in the case of your system, I would go for a "high-end" DVD Player with "progressive scan" capability. And you seem to make such a choice with your choice of the Classe DVD/CD Player. But may I at least ask that you look at the Pioneer Elite DV-38A also. The Pioneer Elite DV-38A is a gorgeous looking player with the patented shiny "urushi" finish with the rosewood side panels. This player has a wealth of cutting edge technology concealed right inside of its chassis, and it also is capable of DVD Audio playback capability, should you desire this capability in the future. And it will be "PROBABLY" priced lower than the Classe DVD/CD Player that you are considering. I'm not saying abandon the idea of getting the Classe player. I'm just offering another suggestion for you to consider in addition to the Classe. The Meridian and Theta units that you are considering are also great alternatives, and I think you should keep them on your shortlist as well.

But now, as for your stands, let me just say that when you spend the type of money that you are going to spend to acquire first class equipment, then I feel that first class equipment deserves a first class home. And for "THAT" home for your "high-end" home theater system, may I suggest Salamander. Salamander makes high quality stands and storage systems that will show off your system VERY well. And they can be expanded if your system should grow in the future.

Good luck, and enjoy that system of yours. Again, it's quite a system.

Does anyone have any alternatives, besides krell???
Once again thanks for all the responses!!!
One other alternative I haven't seen mentioned is hte new Soundstage from Aragon. Nice piece with a 2-channel pass thru. Software and hardware upgradeable with a decent bass management system. I can't say its any nicer than the Classe cav-75 but its quite a bit less money and like Classe you cant go wrong with Aragon amps. Ariels love power and the Aragons can deliver. They look nice too.