Best ss Line Level Preamp under $10K ??

On the market for a ss (solid state) line level preamp. Looking for the best under $10K. Any suggestions?? Thank you
Searching for the best preamp under 10K is like looking for the best wine. The interface with your amp and source are very high priorities, and your musical taste is another factor to figure in the equation. Avoid what folks say is the "best" and buy what will work in your system. I would look at Spectral, Levinson, Krell, Pass Labs, and others. Give them all a good listen and then narrow the list. Above all trust your ears. Jeff
Check out the Ayre K-1 and K-3 which both can be bought without their respective phono stages.
I'd recommend Ayre K-1X this is it ...the best soild state pre,certainly better than the ones mentioned in an original tread