S-Video Cable - is there much difference

I have been looking for excellent s-video cables. It appears to me, that little emphasis is placed on them. How much does the quality matter??? What price range should give me an excellent, not outrageous cable?? Where does law diminishing returns hit s-vid. cable. Appreciate Specific recommendations and comparisons. Thanks. I'm stumped and will have to order "blindly", so help is appreciated. PS (tired of Monster breaking...)
Hey, got my monster 2000. Yea,who cares. Don't read this if you don't care. It is quite a cable! First: I have Pioneer Elite DV-09. It has 2 s outlets,so you can hook 2 cables out; to different inputs on the tv. (same video settings)The first thing to catch you eye on still frame comparisons is the RED.Next is the white and then the blue, along with more brightness.No improvement in shadow detail.Dark seems equally dark,or the dark places within a picture.No down side I can see. Everybody knows some channels look beter than others.This holds true for cable or sat. reception. The added resolution is absolutely worth the price.I keep changing channels,and getting excited looking for scenes with stand-out colors,but eventually you notice everything has a much smoother "dvd" look.To repeat, my set has been calibrated,so what you get is REAL.Years back I had these MIT Lincs.When I had my set calibrated,I had to quit using them/they are junk.My old s vhs cables are/were: monster1000,Camelot's Sir Kay,+ Ultra Linc,all 4 mts.Sort of like your first really good power cord,only this is for the tv,-- exciting.Now this may be so only because of what the Chang is also doing.Wish somebody who owns this cable would post so I don't sound like an informercial. There may be better s cables than these.I haven't tried anything but the ones listed, Maybe I need to get out more often?
George- my experince was good also, glad to hear not just wishful thinking. I decided to try Sonic Horizons by HCMaudio, just for something difference and Wally was out of 2M. I'll let everyone know impressions. Hope this thread lives a while! Ed (original post)
Got my sonic horizons S-Video from HCM hooked up today. I can't A/B with Monster 2000 cable, but they are excellent cables. The Horizon is top shelf and the daybreak is great for price (about $60). So, my opinion, yes, does make a difference. Both sonic horizons and Monster 2000 are excellent and I'm glad I replaced my mid range (500) Monsters and MITs with these. As my wife says - more 3-D now. I think both Wally and Harry are of high integretity. Thanks for everyones feedback and help. Valuable as always.
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Hey, guys, this is a great discussion. I just entered and was looking around for exactly that: your discussion of the Monster M2000. Shaqspack, could you let me know, where I can find info re your Sonic horizons s-video cable (price, source etc.). By the way, would you and George consider to work together for a A/B test ? That would be very interesting. By the way: has anyone looked at Audioquest and XLO s-video products?