Speakers with Rotel amp

I'd like to get suggestions for speakers that match well with the Rotel RB-991 amp using the Rotel RX-975 as a pre-amp. I don't have room for electrostatics and enjoy jazz, classical and female vocals(Bonnie Raitt/Diana Krall). Thanks
hi i am a soliloquy speaker dealer -- and you owe it to yourself to check them out -- www.solspeak.com check out a dealer near you or get in touch with me
Am demoing Thiels 1.5s this weekend with the Rotel. Got a new interconnect for my CD to receiver and it has made big difference(much warmer and fuller sound from my old SONY) My dealer also gave me a Cal Audio CL-5 CD player to try with this combo, but it seem a little bright with the Rotel. Any suggestions for amps that match well with Thiels 1.5s ? Will probably try to demo Vandes next weekend. Does anyone have an opinion about the Cal Audio CL-5 ? Thanks
thiels are not very forgiving(ie if you amp/pre are not good they'll tell you) the vandys are a speakers that" do alot of things right and very little wrong) and will work with all types of equipment. They have a good amount of bass for you classical and jazz. another set to cosider are the jmlab cobalts
I use PSB Stratus Golds they shine on classical music. I mainly listen to jazz but I can tell what these speakers were designed to play. Audition them they can be had for around 1900.00 new if you know where to look, ask me, I know where, or used for as little as 1300.00 a pair. Also give Paradigms studio 100v2 a listen. Always liked their speakers but never really pushed me over the edge, this new speaker does. I have heard them with Rotel amps as my local dealer has a demo set up with this combination. Nice bass, great soundstage .