Best Component Ever, for the money

The other thread with this title was corrupted in its inception. Let's do this one with NO cables, power cords, isolation devices or tweaks. My vote goes to the Connoisseur turntable (integrated with arm). I don't have it anymore and you shouldn't be able to find one for sale. High end perspective for $150.
At the moment DACs are real steals.Seems like the best in a teechnology always occurs at the end if it's life.TT's and Cartridges are examples ,but now they are specialty items that go for outrageous prices.

ART DIO--Modified
Scott Nixons tube DAC

Accustats 2+2 for $300 10yrs ago,but I did not buy them.Did not have the room.

NEAR M15's I got with 2 extra set of modified driver's for $350.Excellent speaker's which I would need to audition speaker's in the $2K+ range before I could even find a comparable set to replace them.

AGON--There are steals all the time,but you have to be there to get them.Last good pickup was 47Labs OTA Cable for $300 that went for $700 new with additional RCA Jacks.
Jolida 102b Integrated all-tube amp. $580. Hands down.

Bonus: Stock EL84 (and other) tubes are now Sovteks, BTW, so you don't have to sub out the Chinese tubes anymore.
Giffin Powerwave amp with madisound BK-16's

430 dollars for an amp and a set of folded horns
Hafler DH-200 with lots 'o Musical Concepts mods thrown in. Perhaps the start point of this downhill slide...
To me, best value for money is some cheapish trannie radio. You get a tuner, antenna, amp and loudspeaker in one package. You don't have to buy software, it's all around you. Doesn't come cheaper.....