Mapleshade Double Helix Speaker Cables

I bought a pair of Mapleshade Double Helix Plus speaker cables recently. Installed them today. Just wondered if anyone else had some difficulty working with these cables. Don't get me wrong - the sound that emanates from them is simply incredible but the patience required to install them was more than I expected. My question - do other owners leave these cables coiled when installed or do you straighten them out and run uncoiled strands per speaker? I have this OCD thing about cables flying all over the place and wondered how other people solved this immediate installation issue. Again, the sound that emanates is incredible; I don't even have 10 hours of use on them yet. Your thoughts are greatly appreciated.
Thanks for everyone's responses. I'll uncoil them and try to straighten them out as best I can (taking into account everyone's suggestions). The only other issue that I have is trying to keep them connected to the speaker terminals. They simply don't want to stay clamped even when I shape the wire end in a "u-shape" to ensure compliance. Of course, the speaker terminal knobs are quite small which makes it difficult to get a firm grasp to tighten down. But, I do like the sound of these cables!
UPDATE: All is well! I uncoiled the speaker cables, straightened them, and reconnected to the speaker posts. Everything worked out fine. Once the kinks in the cabling were gone, things fell into place for me. While it resembles modern artwork behind my audio rack, the sound is amazing!
I think they are wonderful too. I put a little torque on the binding posts with a wrench to keep them in place.