Audience Au24e vs Cardas Golden Reference

Can someone familiar with both of these cables describe the differences between them? I'm especially interested in speaker cables. Both Cardas and Audience are often mentioned together as great choices. I know Cardas, what can I expect from Audience? Your opinions will be much appreciated.
I would recommend looking at Zu (Ibis or Event).

I recently compared the Ibis to Au24e and kept the Ibis, which have the qualities you're seeking in spades.
Cardas is a very good cable. The next step up for me in extension and control is my Harmonic Tech Magic Link 2. The Audience brings in more air and clarity and no coloration. More open and larger soundstage. One recent acquisition has my head spinning. When I bought my cinemag 1131 SUT from Robyn Wyett I also picked up some of Bobs Devices Vintage US interconnects - amazing for the money ($125). Not as open and extended as Audience but equal if not better than Cardas. That's after 2-3 hours initial listening. I had previously moved on from Zu, Analysis Plus, Audioquest etc and am upgrading all cables to audience (they leave nothing on the table) but I plan on keeping a few of these vintage cables from Bobs Devices.
Frankly, I found the Audience -- in my system, at least -- wanting in a variety of ways and did not find them to compare favorably with the Zu Ibis or Acoustic Zen Satori Shotgun.
I have both in two otherwise identical systems. The Cardas eats the Audience's lunch. Way bigger soundstage,weightier, more involving, more fun. It'll depend on your system but in mine it's no contest.
I agree entirely with Fama. Some time ago, I was able to directly compare Cardas Golden Reference with Audience AU 24e in my system. Cardas sounded significantly closer to a live concert experience; Audience significantly closer to the hi fi experience.