Power cords, AC line conditioners---preferences?

looking to purchase the above to enhance my system of CJ 250s and CJ pre ET 5---since little too sample and compare, input is appreciated.
Read the reviews of Shunyata conditioners and cords in Absolute Sound and Stereophile and consider their wide use among mastering professionals. Shunyata, Running Springs and Audience are widely considered to be the top three conditioner lines, depending upon tastes. If you have very serious power source problems, you might consider PS Audio's latest power re-generator.

I won't comment on specific power cords because they are so "component specific" and tastes vary so widely. However, I will say that claims that $50 boutique cords are as good as even Shunyata's $99 Venom 3 cord just don't stand up to a quick audition. ( see Neil Gader's survey of power cords) The folks at the Cable Company can send you a couple of things from the top two or three contenders and you can be the judge for the price of shipping.

I have a Conrad-Johnson CT5 preamp and a Shunyata Python CX connected to a Hydra 8 version II sounds sublime. I'm jealous of your ET 5! I hear it's stunning.
I can't speak highly enough of Nordost's power products, as they have transformed my system.

I started with a Magus loom. This beat a mix of much more expensive power cords (from ESP, LessLoss & PS Audio).

I next moved to a Vishnu loom. This was a big step forward.

To get the best out of Nordost cords, you should have a full "loom" of them: Nordost power cords should be used throughout. [Shunyata also recommends doing this - they just don't call it a loom]. Nordost argues that a loom of cords behaves more predictably. This has been my experience. I believe that mixing cords is a big reason why people find cords to be "component specific". I have a handful of friends who have Nordost looms. Each of them has reported hearing exactly what I hear from my Nordost cords.

The most important cord is the cord you use between your wall and power distribution device. The first cord sets the agenda for your loom, as it governs the flow from the wall outlet. I recently swapped a Brahma for the Vishnu I was using at the wall. This delivered one of the biggest upgrades I've experienced. It was as large as upgrading components.

Nordost's Quantum products are excellent too. I use a QB8 distribution device and a Quantum QX4. The QX4 is something I could not live without.
RS DMitri is a main stay in my system and you can plug amps into it with no loss but with gains.