I notice liquid cables are being talked about a bit at the moment so thought I'd share my experience.

I come from a somewhat cable sceptic background. After playing with modest cables I felt there were differences but it was all pretty subtle. The best I came across were Anti-cables which with everything I've seen seemed to offer slightly greater clarity. They've stayed in my system for the past 3 years as it's evolved.

I run an Emm Labs, Muse amp (very underrated)and Kharma speakers with just an XLR between the electronics. I was offered the opportunity to try a Teo XLR in an unfamiliar system a little while ago and was surprised at the difference it made so at the earliest opportunity I tried them in mine.

I've had them for over a week now and have been surprised at just how big a difference they've made. In a system that I've been very happy with the greater decay and body to notes is a revelation. They've added a more natural perspective that I didn't know I was missing. Very impressive.
I've been an Audiogon member for many years, and don't post much, but I just discovered this thread, and would like to contribute.

I met Brian Walsh (Essentialaudio) when I purchase a Kuzma 4-point tonearm from him some years ago. He introduced me to Teo cables. He could have easily contacted me and asked me to post on this thread, but he didn't. I found it accidentally by myself, because I like Teo cables (as well as many other brands of components), and therefore occasionally search the forums for discussions on them.

I was immediately blown away by the standard Teo ICs, compared A/B with the Kubala-Sosna Emotions and Elations, in my system. I liked them so much that besides replacing every short IC with them, I convinced Teo to make a 6.5 m pair (apparently never before done)to reach my CAT JL-3 monoblocks. The difference was nothing short of phenomenal. I have not even thought about auditioning other cables since then. The Teo standard ICs, at ($2500-$3000)/m, I actually think are a great bargain. Prior to the Kubala ICs, I had high-end Transparent Audios (can't remember which). Kubala blew them away, Teo blew the Kubalas away.

I had Kubala Elation speaker cables connecting CAT JL-3 monoblocks to Acoustat Spectra 66s when I first auditioned the TEO SCs. The Teo standard speaker cables were initially dramatic in comparison, but I ultimately concluded they lacked the smoothness of the Elations, despite having some other real positives, mainly a dramatic "presence." Brian subsequently lent me some Teo reference speaker cables to try. I evaluated them at my leisure in my own system, and ended up selling the (excellent) Elations and keeping the (yes, even better) Teos.

I'd also like to comment on the toxicity issue. I'm not an audio dealer, and have no dog in this “fight.” I'm a microvascular surgeon, I have an undergraduate degree in chemistry, and I think I'm capable of understanding, in general terms, the issues involved here.

Many things are potentially "toxic." I personally would not consume Indium, or intentionally breathe it for long periods. I would be even more careful about not touching hot vacuum tubes, or letting my 2-year-old or 5-year-old do so. I would be yet more careful about not putting my fingers or metal objects in electrical outlets, or on bare speaker terminals.

While it is sometimes easy to prove a positive, such as something is dangerous, it may be impossible, from a practical standpoint, to ever prove that something is completely safe. It all comes down to a risk / benefit analysis. My feeling is that these cables sound so good that their sonic benefit outweighs any of the theoretical risks discussed here.

Having said that, I wouldn't let my kids chew on them. I also wouldn't let them touch hot vacuum tubes, explore electrical outlets, or take a bath without an adult present.
This is one strange and fairly obnoxious thread all around.

That said, the Teo sounds interesting, and as I've stated elsewhere I'm always interested in trying out new gear, especially when others seem to be raving about it.

Is there a loaner/tester program for the ICs? Also, more detail on pricing, specifically a 1m set of xlr. I'm currently burning in and comparing the HiDiamond xlr 2 to my old AQ Sky. So far, appreciating the HD very much. Apparently Teo's arch nemesis. Could be interesting to throw the Teo xlr into the fray as well.
You're welcome,Tbg. One thing I forgot to mention, all my ICs are RCA, CATs won't take XLR.
Joncourage: Yes, some retailers offer home trials, much as I have done with Klinerm. Please feel free to contact me for info.