Sonos or Mac Mini?

Hello all,

Fed up with the controller Kinsky, I've decided to sell my Linn Majik DSI. I want a stable and reactive control software. Sonos with reclocker and good DAC seems the way to go but is is possible to get better sound from a Mac Mini without losing on the ergonomics? I don't want to wait everytime I want to change the music that the system scans the network or whatever. Is is also possible to embed services like Spotify as with Sonos?
Thank you for your inputs!
There is a new kid on the block that I believe is better than whats mentioned here for the use at hand, The nexus 7 google tablet will astound you for all your needs, it has better specs than all the tablets here,I just bought one, I am very pleased of the speed and specs to use for High-end audio.
Reclocking a Sonos with Synchro-Mesh is excellent(particularly with Dynamo power supply and my BNC-BNC cable), but it is edged-out by the Off-Ramp 5 driven from a Mac Mini with good playback software on it.

The Mac approach is a lot more work however. You must invest more time and money, but the payoff is big.

If you want the same or even better result than the Mac Mini and your budget can withstand it, the Antipodes server driving an Off-Ramp 5 is easy and killer SQ.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio