AC / DC - What are you using? Dissapointed by ....

When I got my system up they way I wanted it to be, many told me to try all sorts of conditioners, filters, regenerators and so on......some made a significant difference on they way my system sounded. In fact my Ayre preamp sounded different and so did my Wilsons and I did not like that! Tried about 18 different pieces some costing me up to 2k and returned all of them.
Ended up keeping one of them that actually did not do anything other that to just crystallize what I already had by keeping the sonic signature and trades of my sound system. I went with Richard Gray’s 1200. What are you guys using?

PS Audio P1200 for my KSA300S amp and P600 for all source. I will not listen without them anymore, icing on the cake IMHO.
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