ELROD IC cables, who has demoed them?

Elrod power cables has been, and are , one of the best with Srealth dream and NBS, and i¨m interested to know if someone has heard the news silver and gold interconnect cables, and how it compares to PAD, Stealth Indra, Pranawire, Siltech and others similars. Thanks
I have many powercords almost equal to statement series or twice the expensive the signiture line of Elrod, but never replaced my Elrod Signiture 2 with any of them. Someone who says DCS gear sound analy. and cold must hear with Elrod cable. ( I have twice the expensive Valhalla on reserve but simply can't sound good as elrod.)
I know David Elrod for many years since he was a partner in Electraglide. Every time I compared his power cords to anybody else's his cords were better. Very early model were a bit lean but since introduction of Signature and Statment lines - I can't critisize anything there.

Yet, David Elrod just introduced, a few days ago, new line of "Gold Edition" interconnects and speakers cables and power cords. I was lucky to auditioned his interconnects and they greatly outperformed everything he did before. I don't think he has competitor anywhere in the world.

Member Brainwater is aboslutely right. David takes his time to develop the cable. Two or may be even tree years ago, I have obtained his early speaker cable and it was the best then anything I auditioned before. Still, it took him three years to develop it fully and be is satisfied with his "Gold Edition" cables. I don't know any other in cable business who would take three years before placing his cable in production. While not cheap - its worth it.

I've seen that you've got also KS Emotion your second system. How do the Elrod Gold speaker compare to the KS Emotion ?

Thank you for your comments