Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
Violin, What SR Tesla cable are you using on your VPT table? Is it the Apex design? Or does SR make an interconnect just for turntables.
This thread is a great resource. I too am considering replacing some Purist Audio Design Musaeus biwire speaker cables. However, mine are a couple of years old and were the original release. I believe that the most recent version is a Rev. C - so perhaps the new Museaus are more competitive with the Accelerators.

I've been in contact with Steve at the Cable Company and he's been great. I will soon be purchasing a pair of the Accelerator biwires. Once I have them, I'll post my comparison observations. I'm really looking to get a little more top end extension and a more open airy sound. The museaus are fatigue free and organic, but sound a little too closed in. We'll see.
Joeyboyni,the phono cable that I bought form CC is one of the Tesla Series of cables and is named, Tricon Analog Phono. It looks like a thin standard interconnect but is only about 1/4 inch in diameter with ground wires on each end.There is one of these for each channel- they are two entirely separate cables.This cable is rather new because TCC had SR send it direct to me and the folks at TCC had not even heard it.
They appear to have little or no capacitance . I say this because my pre-amp is a Herron Audio VTSP-2 tube unit and it has a stepped vloume control with 100 steps. Say for example if I had the volume set at 48 using the SR cable,when I switched to the Music Groove 2, I would have to increase the volume by 5 clicks to attain the same volume level.I am not an engineer but a musician, and this capacitance thing is strictly a guess. The SR has a very full, dynamic,extended sound with excellent high and low frequency extension.
I realize that this is a lengthy answer to your question but as you can tell , I am very excited by this phono cable.

I currently have all Accelerators in my system. CDP to PRE, PRE to AMP and AMP to speakers (XLR’s and spades). I borrowed an Acoustic Reference to try on my CDP to PRE. WOW! What a compliment to the Accelerators. It maintains all the qualities of the Accelerator like the wonderful transparency but presented a warmer & more liquid midrange, tighter & more defined bass. The music is not as forward (a good thing in my system). The music is more even. The quickness was reduced a tad from the effect of the Accelerators to more musical pace. The treble is not as hot or excessive it's a little more relaxed but very clear and detailed. Very interesting. I almost sure I will trade in an Accelerator for the Acoustic Reference on CDP to PRE.

Next I'm trying a Precision Reference on PRE to AMP and I will report my findings. These cables are addictive and compliment each other when mixing and matching.

I would like to thank The Cable Company for lending me all these cables to try. Excellent service and people, I highly recommend them.

I hope Ted D. gets more information on their web-site soon!

Joe,that`s what I was trying to suggest to you.Instead of
changeing speakers cables, move up line with your interconnects.And the Acoustic are excellent (WOW)