Most neutral speaker cable for less than $5 a foot

Any suggestions to beat a DH Labs T14? I need a 30 feet pair so $ is a concern.
Extension cord from Home Depot...but whatever you do, don't use the cord with anything else before hooking it to your speakers or it will affect the burn in.

A Hedge trimmer makes the cable sound clipped
A vacuum cleaner makes the cable sound suck (but it can be complementary if you use a tube amp)
A power drill makes the cable sound penetrating

LOL ;-)
Shadorne: what do you use on your $15,000 ATC speakers? I am leaning more toward the "cheap cable do it right anyway" side but always curious to see what people use behind their own doors. You forgot: a thief will make your speaker disappear. Thanks for the laugh anyway!
Look at Alpha-Core HT speaker cable. This is what I plan to use for my long outdoor speaker runs.
For longish runs Iv'e seen the MIT in wall wire with their gizmo on the end acceptable. I murdered a perfectly good extension cord to try out on speakers with poor results, possibly because it was very-well broken-in by heavy Skillsaw use. Regards, Mike