Are there any other EAR 834P modders lately?

I had to beg David Schulte of Upgrade Company to mod my EAR 834P because there are so many detractors. There are also loads of DIY people who have tweaked the circuit in custom ways. The changes I had made include V-cap coupling caps and RFI shileding. Switching from using the 12AX7 tubes to 5751 or 12AT7 tubes if you can handle the lower gain also is highly beneficial. I use Valvo 6201 blue print in the one spot, Brimar and Siemen Halske 12AT7's in the gain stages 2 & 3. 2 is not left and 3 is not right- it sums the tubes for the gain stage left and right. My results are stunning. Because the 12AT7's only have 70% of the gain or the 12AX7, I changed out my Bent Audio step up tranny's for Bob's Devices Cinemag 1131 with a 1:40 or 1:20, ratio which is adjusted at the flip of a toggle switch.
Frogman no offense taken and I want to be clear that I did not get the recommendation to try a 12AU7 in V3 from Audiogon members; it was from another popular but unmentionable site that, more and more, I have shied away from.
Stevecham and Frogman and especially Tfkaudio- thanks all for the tips. I am still a little run down from being sick for 10 days- but going to see Dweezil and company last night was worth the drive after working all day. After sleeping in I rolled some Telefuncan 12AX7's in and A/B'ed things. I have to agree that there was some RIAA change with the lower voltage just as you said. Like you said, Frogman, the Tele's do sound great in the V2 and V3 with the right imput tube in V1. I get a better overall balance of sound and really none of the lack of detail and focus that I felt I personally hear in my EAR phono stage with a 12AX7 in V1. The Sylvania gold pin 6201 easily beat out the GE 5751 ( though it does have lovely midrange warmth) and was very close to my still reigning favorite the Valvo 6201 blue print. You have me tweaked to hear a 7025, but I think I have spent a little much on tubes for a while. Thanks for setting me straight to listen with fresh ears and notice my bias that I had. I listened to Miles Davis Kind Of Blue Flamenco Sketches 45rpm and the first side of the new AP 45prm Dave Bubeck Take Five- which you might do yourself a favor and get a copy before they sell out- for the rolling session. Cheers you all!
I'm wondering if you guys could help me out as EAR has been less than helpful. A long time ago I purchased an 834p that was supposed to be mc and mm - it has the switch - the box says so etc. - but come to find out from my tech there is no mc stage! The two parts for it in the back corner aren't there. Talk about frustrating - anyway, could anyone tell me what those two parts are exactly (OEM) so I can have him put them in? EAR wants a gob of money for them but wouldn't tell me what they are.
The two parts are most likely the two SUT's (step up transformers). The "MC stage " is comprised of the MM stage+SUT's. You may find this thread to be helpful:

Food for thought: The EAR sounds much better (in absolute terms) without the SUT's in the signal path. Have you considered a top MM cartridge? In my experience, with anything less than a top MC, I get better results with a good MM and no SUT's. Good luck.
Revdog. Frogman does know his stuff. I however really get good sound with my setup with a step up transformer. It is a winding of wire that has just the right amount of turns and shielding to step up the voltage without noise. Voltage is like water pressure. Amps ( current) is like the size of the water pipe. There can be a lot of water ( like in a big water pipe) but how long it takes to fill your bucket up also depends on the pressure ( voltage). The current or amps times the voltage gives you the watts. Somebody stop me if I say something wrong. Passive preamps and attenuators add resistance to the signal path and boost the voltage. This voltage pressure is what moves your speaker-as it changes pressure high and low back and forth, making airwaves from your speaker. Passive can be the purest sound, but can also degrade the sound if the transformer is not top notch. MC ( moving coil) cartridges are high current + low voltage output and needs to have the voltage stepped up to run many phono preamps. The button is a cheap step up transformer. A better one will make a big improvement.