Moerch Tonearm Users... alignment question.

I'm trying out a DP6. Do I just trust the Moerch (non-precision armwand) alignment method of lining up the stylus tip with the leading edge? Or has anyone out there used a particular protractor successfully?
I have a DP6 non-precision 12 inch and use MintLP 'best tractor' and feel there's no reson to look elsewhere.
I use Feickert protractor for S2P, then MintLP. Don't think anything will be more precision than that. Getting the S2P of Moerch is very tricky.

Well at least I don't have to worry about S2P because that's set accurately at the factory. Did either of you try the Moerch method first or did you just go with the MintLP right away? I'm curious if you found the Moerch method to be off. I emailed mint for a quote for my turntable and the DP6.
Moerch method ?? No, I haven't tried it, and I can't see how it can be accurate. I used the Clearaudio protractor which is not so precision. The MintLP is arc protractor where you can zero in. But you need a very good eye sight. I always have a hard time using it. I'll be getting the Uni protractor in a near future.