TW-Acustic Arm

TW-Acustic has a beautiful looking arm. Does anyone know what it sounds like?
TW Manual is available online. Nothing missing but if you want you can play with different counterweights (comes w. 3) for the best match with your cartridge. Sound is excellent. I particularly love the fit & finish, only missing the fine azimuth adjustment with a gauge. Your best bet is to get yourself a VdH style level for judging azimuth. Gives you the ability to repeat settings.
The TW10.5 is a great arm as others have stated here.
Enjoying mine quite a bit.
Thanks for the replies Ebm, Dgad and Nolitan! I look forward to mine arriving.

Ebm - what arm did you have before?

Best arm I've heard, and others I own are considered to be right up there as the best around. Ebm - totally with you on the wonderful fast bass - that's the immediate first thing I went wow about, then the detail, soundstage, and overall so-natural, pure sound.

This arm is a perfect match for an ortofon a90. It took me a while to find one.
Yes the arm is very enjoyable. I love it for many reasons but believe it or not primarily because it works perfectly with my Lift that automatically lifts it at the end of the LP. Mates perfectly w. the Allaerts MC2 Finish. No reason to play with it since it sounds perfect as is. One thing to consider for all you Baewald (Lofgren A) alignment arm users out there, this is Lofgren B which has a different sent of null points and distortion curves that will make it a perfect 2nd tonearm to have. For example the Phantom is Lofgren A (Baerwald).