TW-Acustic Arm

TW-Acustic has a beautiful looking arm. Does anyone know what it sounds like?
Dgad ,
Schroeder 2 fw is the Schroeder 2 version with reference magnet that is use on dps turntable. Agreed with u on the cumbersome set up.
As for TW my only doubt is how the AS work
As for Reed tonearm ( turntable .it) it is certainly the best looking of the 3 tonearms I have. Suppose to set it up on a reed isolated base (stand alone) n play on Garrard 301. Unfortunately waiting for a DIY PS that is already 6 mths overdue
Anyway, the next tonearm I wish to have is breur or a talea.
How is everyone (who has one) getting on with this arm?

I'm getting one so would be interested to hear from anyone who's had it a while now, and has got to know it, and also how it compares to other arms they've had - or still have?

Also, any quirks or setup advice that owners have found that aren't in the TW setup guide?

TW 10.5 great dynamics macro/micro great stage wonderful fast bass.Beat my old very popular arm by a wide margin.
TW Manual is available online. Nothing missing but if you want you can play with different counterweights (comes w. 3) for the best match with your cartridge. Sound is excellent. I particularly love the fit & finish, only missing the fine azimuth adjustment with a gauge. Your best bet is to get yourself a VdH style level for judging azimuth. Gives you the ability to repeat settings.