Benefits of a record ring

After purchasing a good record clamp, I'm curious about record rings. For those who use a record ring, what benefits or lack there of have you experienced? Furthermore, what ring are you using and why?
I recently purchased the TTWeights 1150 gram ring. I have a VPI TNT Jr. with an 11.5 inch platter. There was a vast improvement in sonics across the entire audible frequency range. Everything had a much fuller character. Background noise diminished significantly. This is the case for warped or flat records. The improvement was so dramatic that I would not consider listening to my LPs without it. Periodically, TTW has sales on their products which makes them a very good value.
FWIW, I use the TTweights ring, clamp and platter on my Raven One and like the results.
Bought myself a TTweights ring on impulse at the RMAF, using it on my Clearaudio Master Solution; it's only the 600 gram model, but all the improvements Redglobe hears on his system I hear on mine, and it's a third the price of Clearaudio's own ring (and being copper likely more effective). Amazing how much vinyl I've been spinning lately, a voyage of rediscovery.
I'm using the TT Weights ring and like it alot. My only concern is by using both the clamp and ring could impact negatively on the motor assembly not to mention belts, idler wheels etc. Does anyone have any comments on my caution?
It depends on the motor, belt, idler wheels, etc. If the table's design allows, helping the platter get going with a manual push removes most of the additional stress from those components. Once the platter's at speed a ring won't hurt them. If anything, the greater inertia will actually reduce demands on the drive train.

Another possible area of concern is whether your TT bearing can support the additional weight without wearing prematurely. Again, it depends on the table.

When I used a ring the most important benefit for me was the improved sinking of resonances out of the vinyl and into the platter, as others described. Flattening of warps was nice but most of my LP's aren't that warped. But they all benefit from a lower sound floor.

Can't use it any longer due to my tonearm, but I'd buy another if I could find one that fit.