Vpi vs. TW Acustic

My analog rig consists of a VPI Aries I, Triplanar, and Benz LP. My SoCal dealer suggests the Grand Prix Monaco TT should be my next move. However I don't have that kind of moola lying around and just try finding a used one. It ain't happening. So, would the TW Raven One be a big improvement over the the Aries or too much of a sideways move? And without the opportunity to audition, too risky?

In case you're still interested in a VPI, check out TAS (June/July issue) review of the new VPI Classic Turntable. HP says that this is the best VPI's system yet, including those with rim drives. He goes on to even to say that it holds its own against the Clearaudio Statement ($150,000) turntable. There is also in the review some good explanations of the technologies behind the new design.


Hifi Gary,

I have the same table as you minus the triplanar. I have heard the table in question and I personally would not buy it. I asked Brooks about the TW Raven and he didn't have much to say about it. I would suggest finding someone that has the table and listen to it.
Taters, no offense but Brooks, whom I have known for a long time, also had nothing much to say about the Galibier line because at the time I mentioned it he had never heard of it... As for another VPI table?...no thanks.

It seems that you're pretty set on the TW Raven One. It looks to me that most Raven owners have made the purchase without auditioning the table and they're very satisfied with it. If you don't want take the risk, there are currently two TW Acustic tables for sale here in Audiogon, one Raven One and one AC.

You haven't said what you don't like about your analog setup.
Hifi Gary,

I meant you should try and listen to the TW Raven table. I was not telling you to buy another VPI. I understand where you are coming from.