Old Thorens TD 145 vs. todays gear

I bought my wife a TD 145 back in 1977 as her first real turntable.

Needless to say i've been through a lot of gear since then but she is adamant about never getting rid of anything that still works...and this does...

...but i was wondering if anyone had any real comparison of that vintage table to any of todays comparable tables.. like the music hall series, or the Rega's

I'm thinking about putting a modern cartridge onto it and bringing it back into service. I have a Lukaschek pp-1 I could use...and i'm driving Wilson sophias with a Krell 400xi.

So i guesss three things:

1) how does this TD 145 compare to current $500-1k tables?

2.) What cartridge would be a good match?

3.) Are there any reasonable tweaks that provide a significant improvement without loss of features (this has the auto arm lift mechanism)
Forgot to mention that adding a 3/4 mdf base instead of the fiberboard was a cheap improvement. I also ordered leveling spikes from parts express. For $30 they are an easy way to level this table. Check out http://www.theanalogdept.com/ for more tweaks. Look in the area for the TD 160. Same table but without auto lift.
Yup thanx for that pointer... since posting this question originally i have been walking through that site... This looks like a fun project...

Guess i'm still looking for some cartridge reco's.. thinking Benz, or other mm options.. Thinking that MC cartridges are probably not a good match.
Clearaudio Maestro Wood. Yes MM is the only way to go with the old TD145. Still own my TD145MKII since new and never been unhappy. Have had a friend bring by each new Music Hall he's gotten and I couldn't see any reason to change.

I use an ultra cheap Pickering X-15 cart with D400 needle between Maestro Wood repairs/replacements. I have no problem whatsoever hearing beautiful music.

Biggest and only upgrade; New ic and power cable. I do use a Target single shelf wall mount stand and this was probably a good cheap accessory. I also ran across a good deal on some really thick maple cutting boards and I placed that under the TT for a little more mass. Other than that I simply enjoy the music.
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When you put a new IC on it, did you just rewire to the existing junction point, replace that junction point with something like the Cardas junction box, or rewire back to the headshell connector?

Also on the PC what did you do there?... something simple like wiring in a new belden that you had cut the iec end off of? or something more DIY?