Fremer/SSM w/Rim Drive

Any thoughts/opinions on his review in the latest Stereophile?
I let my subscription lapse. What did he say? Thumbs up? Notably, VPI's new classic, which does not seem able to use the rim drive, seems to imply that VPI is hedging its bets, or even moving in a diffrent direction. Not sure what to make of it, but the Rim drive sounds interesting, as does Teres Verus, which seems to get favorable reviews.
Michael Fremer wrote, "Ultimately, what counts is how a product sounds, and the Super Scoutmaster Reference Rim Drive sounded in a word, fantastic." "...Unless you're willing to move into +$25,000 territory, you could buy one and be done -- but I'm not sure you'd gain much, if anything, until you hit a much higher price point,..."