Acoustic Signature Turntables

Has anyone else experienced any problems with their Acoustic Signature turntable? In particular, I have had major issues regarding the Alpha power supply and related customer support and so just thought I'd look into these problems more widely.

Thanks for your input
I first posted in this thread 1.5 years ago, and I can't believe it's still active. I ultimately received very good service from Otto, although I must caution that there are a couple of addresses used by Acoustic Signature, and they are very particular about which one you send items to be repaired to because it affects their import duties. That issue aside, it seems at best incongruous that a company making some of the best turntables around (the very best for the money?) is plagued by such service issues.
Klinerm, I agree they are very very good tables. I will continue to use mine even if I have to buy a new power supply. Do you know how I can contact Otto? I really want to purchase a second armboard but am nervous about sending money for one. Heck, I probably can't get in touch with them anyway given the many emails sent with no response lately.
Sorry, no additional ideas come to mind. I never tried phoning them, although i guess that would be an option. Otto was very responsive to emails about a year ago, seemed to want to undo all the bad p.r. Gunter had generated. Hope they can eventually get it all together, for everyone's sake. Good luck.
Thanks for the kind words. I'm on vacation for two weeks so don't need to think about it, and I've gotten used to listening to digital over the last 5 months. Expect to buy a new power supply before the end of the year if necessary. The money could have gone to a second arm base which is what bothers me the most. But, so it goes.
It looks like Otto came through for me. I’ve never corresponded with him and today out of the blue I received his email saying the power supply is repaired and shipped by UPS Express. He provided a tracking number which shows on the UPS site that the package has been picked up. He attached an invoice saying the rectifier, fuse and all 4 output transistors were replaced for what seems to me a reasonable price of 69 euros. He wants me to pay that plus shipping both ways which I’m happy to do. After I receive the unit :^)

Thanks otto!