How many People own Working Reel to Reel Decks?

I just bought a very nice condition Revox A-77 on Ebay and I have to say I love the sound of tape. I wish I had done this years ago when it made more sense. I see that good quality reel to reel decks are getting snapped up on Ebay and I am wondering who is buying them and what they plan on listening to (prerecorded music or tapes they make). How many people here on audiogon actually own a reel to reel that works and they use it regularly? Thanks.
I have one...Studer A820, but may obtain another one for location recording. -Sam
Hi Sam,
I have an A810 and would be interested in an 820, about how much does one go for now?
Hey Jsman,

Sorry for the late response...just got back into town. I purchased my A820, with 1/2" and 1/4" capabilities, from a mastering studio in Burbank. Had both headstacks evaluated by Sprague Magnetics in Sylmar, CA...95% head life remaining...Charlie Bolois sorted the deck for me. I think I paid approximately $5700, total.

Well thank For the threed I Have Crown 700 series deck which is in storage right now and I will get it back out in about a month and hook it up. I wonder what it sounds like now. I used the heck out of it for years and years. don't know how I got it here from the east coast, but it was still sounding great back then ( 1980 ) and as I said I just used the thing continuously until 1987 when successive moves lost it as it went into storage and now I look forward to getting it going again. So I will hear what it sounds like now.