To Raven One owners.....

I'm curious as to what table you had previously, and what the Raven One does better? Also, what arm and cartridge are you using with the Raven One. Thank you for sharing.
I must say your preamp is absolutely beautiful looking. A work of art!

Could you share with us what cartridge and amplifier you are using with it?

Thank you.
The Chenin is an attractive style especially in the optional piano black finish and chrome.

A very flexible well thought out design.
I've been happy with it's performance over these past few years.

I would like to share my audio journey in a nut shell.

I have it mated to a pair of Atma-Sphere model 2 60s which drive apair of overhauled Quad electrostats or apair of Dynaudio speakers depending on my mood of music.
The Atma-Spheres are an exceptional match for both sets of these speakers.

After 17 years owning a Linn LP12, by the year 2000 I was taken in by the excitment of some audio magazines of a new format called S.A.C.D.

Sold my Linn in 2001,bought a Sony 777 SCD,my first ever digital player.
Had it modded a year later, brought home other players to try and by 2004 I was back to vinyl.
For me,it would be digital or vinyl , not both.
Though something wasn't right with digital.

In 2004 I bought a VPI Scout Master with options including a Dynavector Karat MK2 cartridge.
A year later I changed the arm to the VPI Signature,then later bought the superb Dynavector Karat MK3.
I sold this combination afew months ago and started hunting down a new front end.

I want more of what vinyl has to offer and I truly believe that I will get it with the Raven One and Phantom arm.

My musical taste range,in no particular order, Jazz, Folk, Blues, Rock, Big Band and some Classical.


Sounds like a great journey with some really great gear along the way. I was able to hear some Quads with atmosheres down in Chicago several years back. Magical midrange that I'll never forget. A great experience.

Thanks for sharing with us.