Hall of Shame

What is the worst, most overpriced, hyped, bad-sounding audiophile gear out there. Your bets please.
Hey Jeff, which Threshold Preamp was it ? Can you remember the model number ? Most of their preamps were rather "analytical" sounding i.e. very revealing on the top end but quite piercing if the rest of the system was not dialed in to work with them.

Kind of funny how some companies voice their amps SO differently from their pre's, etc... Then again, they might count on you getting relatively "even" results from using a "revealing" preamp and a "warm and sweet" sounding amp or vice-versa. Most of the time though, i have a HARD time sticking with the same company for both pieces. I usually find that companies that make GREAT pre's usually don't build amps to the same level and vice-versa. There are exceptions to this rule, but as usual, most of them cost a LOT of money. Sean
Sean, I'm starting to share yr view regarding pre's & amps from the same manufacturer. And this, after advocating the opposite for some time for sonic & electronic compatibility.

As you say, VERY different voicing -- astounding! Funnily enough, an INTEGRATED from one manufacturer sounded better to me than the equivalent separates (that allegedly have bigger power supplies). OK, it may have the I/C (valhalla) -- but I doubt it: the sonic character was very different, not resolution, audible range, etc.
