MM to MC back to MM

Has anyone gone back to MM after trying MC cartridges? Why did you go back? What MC cartridges did you try?
and back to MC! My saga began with(foolishly) "upgrading" from an A&R Cambridge P78(although I think it was the destruction of a 2nd Beryllium cantilever that...) to a Linn ASAK So I'd have THE then RIG:LP12/ITTOK/ASAK the rags were raving about back then. As soon as I switched to a moving coil I stopped enjoying music and my audiophilia began...I kept feeling something was wrong without being able to articulate precisely what. I changed preamps, power amps, speakers...ICGO&O...switch to the States
and reduced circumstances; LP12 gone and cheapo NAD deck with HO Sumiko MC. Same thing! Stylus gave out, short of funds, substitute the SRC cheapo Grado, reduced expectations...SWIZZ! Just enjoying music once more and audiophilia outbreak contained! got a Systemdek IIX and have upgraded steadily since to where the hankering for my old RIG is assuaged. But in buying a LVX arm I came by a REGA Elys; swapped to an RB300 and put in the Elys with the 3rd Screw...BINGO! Superb, glorious music, better than before. Circumstances improved and further outbreak of audiophilia!
After a year performance fell off and I lashed out on a 10x5. Whilst there was superiority of Stereo imaging and Bass output, the treble sweetness of the Elys was gone...found an almost brand new Elys2 in UK for $120. DIFFERENT! Where is everything...50-60 hours later...ah, now I see. Then got a chance for a DL-160 at a killer price and lashed out again.
The same strengths as both the Elys & 10x5 plus a captivatingly forward presentation and spectacular stereo imaging that puts the others to shame. A better match than either, with the RB300(Stock) to my ears. Knowing that a retip amounts to to a mere $90 is another bonus. so for the nonce at's MC!
I’m currently using a low output (.4mv) MC – Shelter 501, through a Black Cube into a line input on my preamp (Mac C2200). The preamp has a phono section, but it is designed for MM. I’ve been hoping to try a direct connection to the preamp, but I understand I need a higher output MM or MI to do it.

I’ve read the above about strict comparisons between MC and MM. In that vein, keeping components, cables, etc the same shouldn’t be too difficult. Matching phono preamp sections – this seems to be where the difficulty arises, due to the differing nature of MC and MM cartridges. My question is – at the risk of becoming a human dartboard – ultimately, does it really matter? OK, from an academic point of view it would be nice to be able to pinpoint the plus and minus aspects of MC vs MM, but many/most of us don’t have the resources to set up a system to precisely determine the relative sonic differences of MC cart A vs MM cart B. But within the context of our own systems, which is what we live with every day, isn’t the bottom line - what sounds good? If, for example, in my case, I buy an MM cart, I understand that any differences I hear will be partially attributable to the cart and partially to the phono section of the preamp.

With that said, I still think makes sense to consider an MM or MI that others have found to be effective in their systems. Several have been mentioned above, including the Shure V15 mr, Ortofon VMS-20 E Mk II, AT 440 ML and Linn K 18 Mk II MM.

Ctm_cra, you mentioned a handful of MM’s that have worked for you. Would you be willing to share that list?
By all means! Agree with your comments. Mind you, now I'm stuck with outboard phono stages MM & HO MC are my limit; price-wise also!
From the Beginning:
Shure M75ED
Ortofon FF15
Goldring 800/900/920
A&R Cambridge P78
Grado FTE+, FTE3(?), Green & Gold
Rega Elys 1 & 2.
The A&R was my all time favourite: it LOVED the ITTOK!
Dear Ctm: I wonder why do you want to be so " strict " on the subject, well not so strict because you know want to use a limited digital technology with a signal that comes with no RIAA eq.

+++++ " to achieve identical musical passages when played back though the system " +++++

You can have it directly running both cartridges the same LP track in real time.

There is other subject that we have to take in count: that many preamps change its characteristics ( frequency response/distortion/noise/etc ) at different listening levels and that ( too ) if the Phonolinepreamp does not comes in one chasis there will be another variables: connectors and interconnect cable.

Regards and enjoy the music.
