Brinkman Balance Comparisons

For those who have the Brinkman or compared it to others please chime in. How does it compare to the Avid, TW Raven AC and SME 30? I heard the Raven AC has been compared to the Brinkman in Germany extensively. any thoughts? Also, how critical is a good support stand to achieve it's perfromance?

Thanks for your help,


The copper platter & Living voice mat are very very close. The other mats change the sound much more. The sound loses a touch of the dynamics w. the mat but also the treble rolls off but becomes more natural (so so so very slight). The Boston made everything fuzzy. The Millenium rolled the treble off too much to my liking. I really spent a lot of time doing these comparisons. These are easy to do. I kept VTA same for all of these. You don't need a mat, it is just nice.
Dgad, thank you for yr info. I will go for the Living Voice Mystic Mat. Happy listening
Rick,SO SORRY to hear about the problem.Hope you get going soon.You SO deserve it!!!
BTW,it seems that you guy's in the Audio Club "like" to lose your stylus/cantilevers.-:)Sid lost two,in the last two years!What gives?
Hi Mark!!! I must believe it was the cleaning lady and since I do not have a dust cover and don't put the protective cover back on the Dynavector (I think doing this is risky) there it was ready to get hit!!! I have to wait 3-4 weeks...what a drag!
Hey, are you making the Stereophile show May 11-13??
Hi Raven owners out there,
Just got my Raven AC after 5-6mths of waiting. I noticed that it does not come with stock power cord and clamp. What power cord are you using and do you prefer it with or without clamp? TQ in advance and Happy listening