Tuntable not working with wood floors..Help

Moved into a new (old) house, with wood floors and it is giving me a huge headache. I have my AR Turntable sitting on top of my rack, and it is absolutely unplayable. You can not even tip toe through the room with out the needle bouncing out of control. I placed a bike tube and a piece of glass underneath it, and it helped, but its still not playable. Here's what I need to know. 1) Would a new table help? The AR is set up so the platter and the arm float on the same suspension (which appears to be very loose), would a TT with a different design help/solve my problem. 2) If not the table, what can I do to get this thing to work? I am in college so $ is very slim (I am talking Ramen and Keystone slim). I don't think my landlord would be happy about mounting it on the wall, but I may take that chance if it comes to it. All advise is much appreciated!
Can you hang it from the ceiling? If not what about mounting a shelf to the wall?
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If it's an old house, the ceiling will bounce too, and it's Ugly, Ugly, Ulgly !!! Plus the TT will sway when you use it unless you add horizontal guy wires or post tension wires down to the floor -- more Ugly!! So forget that.

Elizabeth's shoring solution is OK. But instead of bricks, get four concrete piers (look like 12 in. cubes w/ sloping sides and a steel strap imbedded in the top to hold a post.)

Place two per joist on the ground in the crawl space under where the rack feet come down, and then using temporary 2x4s or framing jacks force the joists up in that area about an inch and slip 4x4 posts cut to length onto all the piers and remove the jacks.

ABSOLUTE BEST SOLUTION? A steel wall rack/shelf lag bolted into the studs or (even better) a masonry wall. Nothing better short of a reinforced concrete column poured directly into the ground (this solution works nicely for telescopes too, after removing the roof ;--)