Help - Verdier La Platin manual

Just received my pre-owned Verdier La Platin today with no instruction manual.
Anyone out there that has one please e-mail me @ or fax me @ 917-464-8786 - Hope it's not in French.
Thanks & regards
Hi Guys,
Got it & got everything set up.
Thank you all very much - Especially Mike in Vancouver BC.
Best regards
There's nothing to it.

Drop the platter onto the spindle.

length not really an issue.

although the Platine is simple to set up, i would not advise any new Platine owner with these quotes.
with everything beeing stock and using the thread i would advise to keep the thread length as short as possible.
the ball should just touch the platter without carrying any weight.
to achieve this with the stock Platine is quite a job.
yes by all means go DC. it is easy conversion inside the motorhousing.
i experienced best results with 18Ah total.
other topic goes deeper into the Platine.
keep 'm spinning and congrats with your Platine.
check out our tips & tweaks PDF:

keep em spinning.