Analog tuners in the digital age

I think that all TV and Radio will be broadcasting in digital sound in the near future. Is that correct?

If that is true, what will you have to do to make your classic tuners function, get a digital receiver for them?
Makes sense to me Sugarbrie.

Is there a converter for radio that currently exits for digital to analog broadcast signals?
Slim Devices makes a Digital to analog device to go from your computer to the amp so if radio ever goes totally digital then a converter will probably be avaliable
I agree with Sugarbrie; and I work in the television industry. Congress is mostly interested in converting the TV broadcast system from analog to digital so they can auction off the current TV spectrum for BILLIONS OF DOLLARS. I have heard little to convince me that digital radio is going to go anywhere soon. The few receivers I've seen are expensive - lots more than the average radio listener will usually part with. And frankly since I already get XM Radio through my DirectTV system and have two great MacIntosh tuners to get first rate AM & FM - why should I invest a dime in a technology that I suspect few are listening to.
I suspect there are lots of audiophiles who will agree.
Don't underestimate the tenacity of public servants(what an ironic name), to interfere in our lives. We in the UK and Europe have had 2nd rate, DAB radio forced on us for years. Analogue radio and TV is due to be stopped around 2008-14, whether we like it or not and we don't. Rather a case, if it a'int broke, fix it anyway. I cling to my Creek T50(best value little analogue tuner you will find) in my HiFi system and have a DAB tuner in the kitchen.
I have a great idea, why don't we pay politicians to do nothing and fine them if they change anything. This is rather like the chinese system of paying Doctors when you are well and stop when you are ill, a very wise race the Chinese. Politicians I am sure have this feeling they are not doing a good job if they are not tinkering.
David I agree with you about politicians. They are addicted to spending our money on something so they can have a building named after them. I will check out a digital to analog device and see if I can integrate it into my system just to see what happens to the signal with various tuners.