Upgrade Path - Arm - ? Teres?

A couple yrs ago I gave vinyl a try, with an modest Roksan Radius found it hangs with my G08(Meridian CDP), no surprise to you folks. Anyway, I am frustrated with the arm, while capable of decent audio, a pain to futz with. VTA adjustability(not convenient) and anti-skating(lame).

So my dilemma like most is what next? I am committed to vinyl, last yr picked up a Loricraft, nuff said?.

I dropped my savings for TT upgrade on an unexpected LTB for HE90s+007t, which compliment my R10s quite well(headphones). Content with my Speaker rig too(thanks to new WE!). Accordingly expect I need a two arm table and have my sights on a Teres.

Teres recommends the Schroder(DPS top!-end of my budget) and Teres provides an affordable and apparently friendly VTA, but means I need to wait for a complete upgrade, no migration.

On the other hand IF a Tri-planar would fit on my modest Roksan could at least get right away and have for a migration to Teres.

Welcome suggestions, A)suck-it up and go whole hogg for Teres+Arm(????) means waiting or B)get Triplanar and cart in short-run, though overmatching TT and mate with Teres down the line? C)Other?
Thank you very much for confirming what I suspected. I will avoid "B". In the long run willl be better to save my $'s and invest wisely. In the meantime Roksan still sounds pretty good when compared to CDs.

Was not aware of the Teres, Galibier upgrade compensation schemes. Guess this falls into category C "other".

I should also check the offerings from similar designs like Galibier. Except for reading kind of tough living in Tokyo. Besides the mainstream high-end TTs, Avid/Amazon etc... only come across Garrards(nice but lacking on aesthetics, guess I should get over this as long as it sounds good it is good!)

Though I could afford to drop another bomb on for ex. 320, it will likely cost me double as something similar will be expected from the significant other, coz flowers not gonna cut-it. I can sneak in new tubes, albums and even the HE90's don't suggest such an outlay, but a new TT will be noticed. Each year I seem to be alloted one nice audio investment guess as concession for b-day/X-mas etc... gifts.

My phono stage is an XR-2 from Ray Samuels Audio. I will probably upgrade this last, since really just want to settle into a TT/Arm/Cart and the while the phone stage obviously affects sound as does everything in the system, the rest have little to no impact on TT physical set-up.

I would try first of all to get the most out of the Roksan Radius; Try the forum at www.roksan.co.uk/forum
That were all the roksan fans hang and can give you info on how to get the most out of it.
appreciate the referal. I just ordered the new belt(crossing my fingers this should help) and was time to replace the cart, so upgraded the Kontrapunt A to a Jubilee, this was a much more affordable way to upgrade and improvements are substantial.

I am still not thrilled with the arm but it does the job, just deters me from playing the heavier LP's due height adjustment inconvenience.

There is some vibration from motor and the wobbly drive with my worn belt concerns me on speed, though in general still sounds better than CD.