Getting a Koetsu Onyx cartridge rebuilt - help

I have a vintage Koetsu Onyx that I'd like to have rebuilt. I don't want to use Van de Hul or Benz Micro because I don't want a hybrid back. Seem to recall reading somewhere that Koetsu has a service in London, or at least an arrangement with someone there who can do this type of work.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Try Koetsu SE Asia. They have a website at:

Regards, Richard

Here's a copy of the last post I recieved from ang melvin ... hope it might help ...

Info on Rebuild costs as requested :

Rosewood Standard/Black - USD650
Rosewood Signature - USD850
Urushi - USD1250
Rosewood Signature Platinum - USD1450
Urushi Platinum - USD1550
Onyx Platinum - USD1850
Jade Platinum - USD2350

Add USD20 if a new wooden box is required.
Cost to upgrade cartridges is on a case by case basis.


Melvin Ang
Koetsu S.E.Asia
michael fremer from stereophile recommends the Expert Stylus Co. address: PO BOX 3, ASHEAD, SURREY KT21 2QD, ENGLAND, UK. TEL: (44)(0)1372-276604. FAX: (44)(0)1372-276147.

apparently this company can rebuild MC cartridges at a fraction of typical factory rebuilds.
let us know how you get on.
good luck !
Thanks everyone, you've provided me with great leads. Has anyone used one of these outfits and could comment on their experience?
